11 Healthy Drinks/juices for wellbeing You Aren’t Currently Consuming!

Water is the healthiest beverage/drinks available, but if you’re looking for something more, try one of these nutritious beverages.

Finding healthy drinks that also contain vitamins and minerals might be challenging because grocery aisles are stocked with so many beverages that are high in empty calories. But fear not; if you’re in the mood for something more than plain or infused water, there are plenty of nutrient-rich beverages/drinks to satiate your thirst.

Here are some drinks that are healthier.

1.Hibiscus Tea

The hibiscus flower’s leaves, which are vivid pinkish-red in color and have a tart but reviving flavor, are used to make hibiscus tea. This tea’s abundance of flavonoids and vitamin C antioxidants can enhance immunity and help prevent disease. In fact, one study found that consuming only one cup per day could decrease blood pressure.

On your next grocery run, pick up some dried hibiscus flowers. Pour boiling water over the dried flowers, and let them steep for five minutes. Next, filter, add sugar, and sip. If you’re planning to drink herbal teas as part of your diet and you’re nursing, pregnant, or taking any medications, always consult your doctor first.

Here’s a simple recipe for making hibiscus tea:


  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons dried hibiscus petals
  • Sweetener of your choice (such as honey, sugar, or stevia), optional
  • Lemon or lime slices, for garnish (optional)
  • Mint leaves, for garnish (optional)


  1. Boil the Water:
    Start by bringing 2 cups of water to a boil in a pot or kettle.
  2. Add Hibiscus Petals:
    Once the water is boiling, remove it from the heat and add 2 tablespoons of dried hibiscus petals to the hot water.
  3. Steep the Tea:
    Cover the pot with a lid and let the hibiscus petals steep in the hot water for about 10-15 minutes. This will allow the flavors and vibrant color to infuse into the water.
  4. Strain the Tea:
    After steeping, use a fine-mesh strainer or a tea infuser to strain the hibiscus tea into your teacups or a teapot, discarding the used petals.
  5. Sweeten (Optional):
    If you prefer your tea on the sweeter side, you can add your preferred sweetener to taste while the tea is still warm. Stir until the sweetener dissolves completely.
  6. Serve:
    Pour the hibiscus tea into teacups or mugs. You can serve it hot or let it cool down and serve it over ice for a refreshing iced tea.
  7. Garnish (Optional):
    To add a burst of freshness and visual appeal, you can garnish your hibiscus tea with slices of lemon or lime and a few fresh mint leaves.
  8. Enjoy:
    Sip and savor the tangy and slightly floral flavor of hibiscus tea. It’s a delightful and soothing beverage that can be enjoyed any time of the day.

2.Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice that is 100 percent natural is one of the healthiest drinks available in stores. Antioxidants, which help shield cells from harm and reduce inflammation, are abundant in this colorful fruit juice and may treat some types of arthritis. It’s also a great source of the immune-boosting vitamin C, which makes it one of our go-to healthy beverages for warding off colds. Find out more about the pomegranate’s health advantages.


  • 2 large pomegranates
  • Optional: a touch of sweetener (such as honey or sugar), if desired


  1. Prepare the Pomegranates:
    Cut the pomegranates in half horizontally. Hold each half over a large bowl, cut side down.
  2. Extract the Seeds (Arils):
    Using a wooden spoon or the back of a large spoon, firmly tap the back of the pomegranate halves. The seeds (arils) will start to fall out into the bowl. Continue tapping and gently pressing until you’ve extracted all the seeds.
  3. Separate the Arils from the Membranes:
    Once all the seeds are out, carefully remove any white membranes that might have fallen into the bowl. The goal is to have just the juicy arils.
  4. Blend the Arils:
    Transfer the pomegranate arils to a blender or food processor. Pulse a few times to break down the arils and release the juice.
  5. Strain the Juice:
    Place a fine-mesh strainer over a clean bowl or jug. Pour the blended mixture through the strainer, using a spoon to press down on the solids. This will separate the juice from the seeds and any remaining pulp.
  6. Sweeten (Optional):
    If you find the juice too tart, you can add a touch of sweetener like honey or sugar to taste. Start with a small amount and adjust as needed.
  7. Chill and Serve:
    Once strained and sweetened (if desired), refrigerate the pomegranate juice for a few hours or until chilled. You can also add ice cubes if you prefer cold drinks.
  8. Enjoy:
    Pour the chilled pomegranate juice into glasses and savor its sweet and tangy flavor. Pomegranate juice is not only delicious but also packed with antioxidants and nutrients.
  9. Store:
    Any leftover juice can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a few days. Shake or stir before serving if any settling occurs.


3.Beet Juice

Need some justifications for using beets in your diet? The fact that beets are a potent source of folic acid, magnesium, and nitrates is only one of the many advantages they have for your health. Nitric oxide, which helps lower blood pressure and enhance blood flow, is produced by our bodies from nitrates. According to several research, eating it before working out will help you have more stamina. Make this tasty, healthful drink to go with a juicer.


  • 2-3 medium-sized beets
  • Optional: carrots, apples, ginger, lemon, or other complementary fruits/vegetables
  • Water (for blending, if needed)


  1. Prepare the Beets:
    Wash the beets thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. Trim off the tops and bottoms. You can peel the beets if desired, although it’s not necessary if they are well-cleaned.
  2. Cut into Pieces:
    Cut the beets into smaller chunks or slices. This will help them blend more easily.
  3. Blend the Beets:
    Place the beet chunks in a blender. If you’re adding other fruits or vegetables like carrots, apples, ginger, or lemon, add them to the blender as well. These additional ingredients can help balance the earthy flavor of the beets.
  4. Blend and Adjust:
    Start blending on a low speed and gradually increase to high. If the mixture is too thick to blend properly, you can add a small amount of water to help things along.
  5. Strain (Optional):
    If you prefer a smoother juice without any pulp, you can strain the blended mixture through a fine-mesh strainer or a nut milk bag. This step is optional, as some people enjoy the fiber from the pulp.
  6. Serve:
    Pour the freshly blended or strained beet juice/drinks into glasses. You can serve it as is or over ice.


What exactly is kombucha? One of the most popular healthy drinks available is this elixir. The health advantages of kombucha are well-known. Similar to other nutritious fermented beverages, effervescent kombucha is brimming with probiotics that support good gut flora. These microorganisms support digestion and increase vitamin and mineral absorption in the body. Learn which kombucha brand we prefer based on our most recent taste test.

Making kombucha drinks at home can be a fun and rewarding process. Here’s a basic recipe for making homemade kombucha:


For the First Fermentation:

  • 3 1/2 quarts (14 cups) water
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 4-5 tea bags or 1 tablespoon loose tea (black or green tea)
  • 1 SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast)
  • 1 cup starter tea (previously made kombucha or store-bought unpasteurized kombucha)

For the Second Fermentation (Flavoring):

  • Fresh fruits, fruit juices, herbs, spices, or other flavorings (optional)


First Fermentation:

  1. Prepare the Sweet Tea:
    Bring the water to a boil and stir in the sugar until it dissolves. Remove from heat, add the tea bags or loose tea, and steep for about 10-15 minutes. Then, remove the tea bags or strain out the loose tea.
  2. Cool the Sweet Tea:
    Allow the sweet tea to cool to room temperature. It’s important that the tea is not hot when you add the SCOBY, as high temperatures can harm the live cultures.
  3. Combine Starter Tea and SCOBY:
    In a clean glass container, combine the cooled sweet tea and the starter tea. Gently place the SCOBY on top, with the smooth side facing up. The starter tea helps lower the pH and provides the necessary acidity for the fermentation process.
  4. Cover and Ferment:
    Cover the glass container with a clean cloth or paper towel, and secure it with a rubber band or string. Place the container in a warm, undisturbed area out of direct sunlight. Allow the kombucha to ferment for about 7-14 days, depending on your taste preferences and the temperature of your environment. During this time, the SCOBY will create a new layer on top.

Second Fermentation (Flavoring):

  1. Prepare Flavorings:
    After the first fermentation, carefully remove the SCOBY and place it in a clean bowl with some of the liquid (starter tea) for your next batch. You can also set aside any new SCOBY that has formed during the first fermentation.
  2. Add Flavorings:
    If desired, add fresh fruits, fruit juices, herbs, spices, or other flavorings to the fermented kombucha. This is when you can get creative with the taste of your kombucha. The flavorings will infuse during the second fermentation.
  3. Bottle the Kombucha:
    Pour the flavored kombucha into clean glass bottles, leaving about an inch of space at the top. Seal the bottles with airtight lids.
  4. Ferment Again:
    Place the sealed bottles in a warm, undisturbed area for another 2-7 days to allow for carbonation to build up. This second fermentation can be shorter in duration compared to the first fermentation.
  5. Chill and Enjoy:
    Once the desired level of carbonation is reached, move the bottles to the refrigerator to chill. When you’re ready to enjoy your homemade kombucha, open the bottles carefully to release any built-up pressure. Pour into glasses and savor your fizzy, flavorful creation!

Remember that making kombucha involves live cultures, so maintaining proper cleanliness and hygiene throughout the process is essential to ensure a successful and safe fermentation. Enjoy the process of experimenting with different flavors and finding your favorite combinations.

5.Coconut Water

This tropical water has a rather debatable flavor. Some people adore it, while others despise it. The fact that this healthful beverage may hydrate the body and deliver a surprising quantity of potassium, however, cannot be disputed. Potassium is crucial for regulating blood pressure and preserving a healthy pulse. You should try this sparkling coconut water if you enjoy carbonation. (It’s a favorite healthy carbonated beverage of ours.)

6.Green Tea.

In Asian nations, green tea has long been praised for its health benefits; Americans only lately caught on. Green tea is widely recognized as a beneficial beverage that hydrates and calms the soul, but it actually has many additional health benefits. High levels of polyphenols found in green tea are thought to protect against cancers like breast and prostate cancer. Studies indicate that it may also lessen pronounced blood sugar spikes after meals, which may be especially advantageous for those with type 2 diabetes. Try this calming and warm lemon thyme green tea.

Making green tea is quite simple. Here’s a basic method to brew a delicious cup of green tea:


  • 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves or 1 tea bag
  • 8 ounces (about 1 cup) of hot water (not boiling)
  • Optional: honey, lemon, or mint for flavoring


  1. Choose Quality Green Tea:
    Start by selecting high-quality green tea. There are various types of green tea available, such as sencha, matcha, gunpowder, and more. Each type has its own unique flavor profile and characteristics.
  2. Heat the Water:
    Heat water to about 175°F (80°C). It’s essential not to use boiling water for green tea, as it can scorch the leaves and result in a bitter taste.
  3. Preheat the Teapot or Cup:
    Before steeping the tea, preheat your teapot or cup by pouring some hot water into it and then discarding it.
  4. Add Green Tea Leaves:
    Place 1 teaspoon of loose green tea leaves or 1 tea bag into your preheated teapot or cup.
  5. Pour the Hot Water:
    Carefully pour the hot water over the tea leaves or tea bag. Be sure not to use water that’s too hot, as it can make the tea bitter. The temperature should be around 175°F (80°C).
  6. Steep the Tea:
    Allow the green tea to steep for about 2-3 minutes. The steeping time can vary based on personal preference and the specific type of green tea you’re using. Keep in mind that longer steeping times can result in a stronger, potentially bitter flavor.
  7. Remove the Tea Leaves or Tea Bag:
    After the steeping time is complete, remove the tea leaves or tea bag from the cup or teapot. Leaving the tea leaves in the water for too long can lead to over-extraction and bitterness.
  8. Enjoy:
    Your green tea is now ready to enjoy. If desired, you can add a touch of honey, a squeeze of lemon, or a sprig of mint for added flavor. Green tea has a naturally light and refreshing taste with a mild vegetal flavor.

7.Hot Chocolate

Who knew that sweets might be healthy? We’ve all heard about the health advantages of cacao, but combining it with milk, which is strong in calcium and frequently fortified with vitamin D, makes this antioxidant-rich beverage even healthier. Try one of our favorite hot chocolate brands or discover a new favorite recipe.

Making hot chocolate is a delightful treat, especially on a chilly day. Here’s a simple recipe to make a comforting cup of hot chocolate:


  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar (adjust to taste)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Whipped cream, marshmallows, or chocolate shavings for topping (optional)


  1. Mix Dry Ingredients:
    In a small bowl, combine the unsweetened cocoa powder, granulated sugar, and a pinch of salt. Mix them together to ensure even distribution of the cocoa.
  2. Heat Milk:
    In a small saucepan, heat the milk over medium-low heat. Heat it until it’s steaming but not boiling. Stir occasionally to prevent scorching.
  3. Add Cocoa Mixture:
    Gradually add the dry cocoa mixture to the steaming milk. Stir constantly to ensure the cocoa powder dissolves completely and no lumps remain.
  4. Bring to a Simmer:
    Continue heating and stirring the mixture until it reaches a gentle simmer. This will ensure the flavors meld together and the cocoa dissolves fully.
  5. Add Vanilla Extract:
    Remove the saucepan from heat and stir in the vanilla extract. This will enhance the flavor of your hot chocolate.
  6. Pour and Serve:
    Carefully pour the hot chocolate into your favorite mug. Be cautious, as the mixture will be hot.
  7. Top and Enjoy:
    If desired, top your hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows, or chocolate shavings for added flavor and decoration.
  8. Serve Warm:
    Your hot chocolate is now ready to enjoy! Sip it slowly and savor the rich, comforting flavors.


  • For a richer hot chocolate, you can use half-and-half, heavy cream, or a combination of milk and cream.
  • Experiment with different flavor additions such as a pinch of cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg, or a splash of peppermint extract.
  • If you like it extra chocolaty, you can add a few pieces of your favorite chocolate to the milk while it’s heating and stir until melted.


8.Cranberry Juice

This tart drinks supports a healthy urinary system and is loaded with antioxidants that can help fend off cancer and some forms of cardiovascular disease. Since cranberry juice is already tart, it is usually blended with sugar or other fruit liquids that are sweeter. Choose kinds that are 100% juice to ensure you receive all of the health benefits of cranberries.


  • 2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
  • 4 cups water
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar (adjust to taste)
  • Optional: lemon or orange zest for flavor


  1. Prepare the Cranberries:
    Rinse the cranberries thoroughly under cold water. Remove any stems or debris.
  2. Boil Cranberries:
    In a medium-sized pot, combine the cranberries and water. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer. Let the cranberries simmer for about 10-15 minutes until they become soft and start to burst.
  3. Mash the Cranberries:
    Use a potato masher or the back of a spoon to gently mash the cooked cranberries. This will help release the juices and flavors from the berries.
  4. Strain the Mixture:
    Place a fine-mesh strainer over a bowl or large jug. Pour the mashed cranberry mixture through the strainer, using a spoon to press down on the solids. This will separate the juice from the pulp.
  5. Sweeten (Optional):
    Taste the strained cranberry juice and decide if you’d like to sweeten it. If so, you can add granulated sugar to the juice and stir until it dissolves. Adjust the amount of sugar based on your preferences.
  6. Cool and Flavor (Optional):
    Let the cranberry juice cool to room temperature. If you’d like to add some extra flavor, you can mix in a bit of lemon or orange zest. This can add a citrusy note to the juice.
  7. Chill and Serve:
    Once the cranberry juice is cool, refrigerate it for a few hours to thoroughly chill. You can also add ice cubes to individual glasses before pouring in the juice.
  8. Enjoy:
    Pour the chilled cranberry juice into glasses and savor its tart and refreshing flavor. Homemade cranberry juice is a great option for enjoying the natural goodness of cranberries without added preservatives or artificial flavors.

Homemade cranberry juice/drinks will be more concentrated and less sweet than store-bought versions. Feel free to adjust the sweetness level and add more sugar if desired.

Experiment with the recipe by adding other natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, and don’t hesitate to combine cranberry juice with other juices for interesting flavor blends.

9.Lemon Water

lemon water drinks

We advise drinks such as lemon water first thing in the morning. A surprisingly effective immune booster is lemon water. A glass of water with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice added will add 14 milligrams of vitamin C. Added benefit? Lemon water tastes nicer, so you’ll likely drink more of it than regular water as a result—another technique to help you keep hydrated.

10.Orange Juice

Fresh orange juice is one of the healthiest drinks you can buy and is arguably the most popular juice on the market. Everyone is aware of how beneficial it is as a source of vitamin C, but most people are unaware of how beneficial it is as a source of potassium, thiamin, calcium, and vitamin D if it has been fortified. If you enjoy fizz, give an orange juice spritzer a try.

Making fresh orange juice at home is simple and delicious. Here’s how you can make the orange drinks:


  • Oranges (as many as you need for desired amount of drinks)


  1. Choose Fresh Oranges:
    Select ripe and juicy oranges. The sweetness and flavor of your orange juice will depend on the quality of the oranges you choose.
  2. Wash the Oranges:
    Thoroughly wash the oranges under cold water to remove any dirt or residues from the skin.
  3. Cut and Juice:
    Cut the oranges in half. If you have a manual citrus juicer, use it to extract the juice from the oranges. If you don’t have a juicer, you can also use your hands to squeeze the juice out, or you can use an electric juicer.
  4. Strain (Optional):
    If you prefer a pulp-free orange juice, strain the freshly squeezed juice through a fine-mesh strainer or a sieve to remove any pulp or seeds.
  5. Serve Chilled:
    Pour the fresh orange juice into glasses. You can add ice cubes if you like your juice extra cold.
  6. Enjoy:
    Sip and enjoy the refreshing drinks and natural flavor of freshly squeezed orange juice. It’s a great way to start your day or to have as a healthy beverage throughout the day.


Having a smoothie on hand helps keep you hydrated and nourished if you’re constantly on the run. Your favorite fruits and vegetables can be blended with wholesome sources of protein and fiber to create these rich, creamy drinks.

Think protein, fat, fiber, and flavor when putting together a smoothie, advises Rodriguez. The foundation of your smoothie should be muscle-building protein, whether it be yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, or whey protein, in addition to carbohydrates in the form of fruit or vegetables. Then incorporate a gourmet ingredient like cocoa powder along with a plant-based source of fat and fiber like nut butter and chia seeds to create a delectable, nutrient-rich smoothie.

Smoothies are versatile and delicious beverages that you can customize based on your preferences. Here’s a basic recipe for making a fruit-based smoothie:


  • 1 cup of your choice of liquid (water, milk, plant-based milk, yogurt, etc.)
  • 1 to 1.5 cups of mixed fruits (e.g., bananas, berries, mango and pineapple)
  • 1/2 cup of leafy greens (e.g., spinach, kale) – optional
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup of a creamy component (e.g., yogurt, avocado, nut butter)
  • Sweetener (e.g., honey, maple syrup) – optional
  • Ice cubes


  1. Choose Your Base:
    Start by selecting a liquid base for your smoothie. Water, milk (dairy or plant-based), or yogurt are commonly used. The choice of base will affect the creaminess and flavor of the smoothie.
  2. Add Fruits:
    Add 1 to 1.5 cups of your chosen mixed fruits. This can include a combination of fresh or frozen fruits such as bananas, berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries), mango, pineapple, peaches, etc. Using frozen fruits can help make the smoothie thicker and colder.
  3. Include Leafy Greens (Optional):
    For added nutrients, consider adding 1/2 cup of leafy greens like spinach or kale. The fruits and other ingredients will usually mask the taste of the greens.
  4. Creamy Component:
    Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of a creamy element to enhance the texture and richness of the smoothie. This can be yogurt, Greek yogurt, kefir, avocado, nut butter, or silken tofu.
  5. Sweeten if Desired:
    Taste the mixture and if needed, add a natural sweetener such as honey, maple syrup, or a ripe banana to adjust the sweetness to your liking. Keep in mind that the fruits themselves provide natural sweetness.
  6. Add Ice Cubes:
    If you’re not using frozen fruits, adding ice cubes can make your smoothie cold and refreshing.
  7. Blend:
    Blend all the ingredients until smooth. Start at a low speed and gradually increase to high until you achieve a creamy and well-mixed consistency.
  8. Taste and Adjust:
    Taste the smoothie and adjust the sweetness or flavor if necessary by adding more fruits, sweetener, or other ingredients.
  9. Serve:
    Pour the smoothie into glasses and enjoy immediately. You can garnish with additional fruit slices, nuts, seeds, or a drizzle of honey if you like.


  • Experiment with different combinations of fruits, liquids, and add-ins to find your favorite flavors and textures.
  • To make your smoothies more nutritious, consider adding protein powder, chia seeds, flax seeds, or oats.
  • For a thicker texture, use less liquid or add more frozen fruits.
  • Keep in mind that the proportions in this recipe are flexible, so adjust them to your taste preferences.

Embrace the Goodness of Healthier Drinks! With each sip, you’re nurturing your body and soul. So, let these beverages be a reminder that taking care of ourselves can be both delicious and rewarding. Here’s to a vibrant life fueled by the power of nutritious choices. Bottoms up and stay hydrated, stay healthy!

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