Try These 18 Amazing Yoga Pose to Design the Morning Routine of Your Ideal Life

Want to make your morning routine better? Why not start your day off with some yoga?

Yoga can increase your flexibility and strength while also boosting your energy levels, lowering stress and anxiety levels, and helping you manage your weight.

Yoga has advantages for practitioners of all levels, whether they are new to the discipline or experienced yogis.

Yoga routines for beginners, intermediates, and experts to help you get your day going.

Beginner routine

Try this if you’re new to yoga or want a mild program.

Before going on to the next pose, hold each of the five for 60 seconds. Five minutes, done!

Yoga poses

Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose is an excellent way to begin a yoga practice, especially first thing in the morning. It allows you to reconnect with your breath while also providing a gentle release for your lower back and hips.

To begin, get down on all fours on your yoga mat.
Spread your knees and place your big toes so that they contact.
Allow your stomach to descend between your thighs and your brow to drop toward the floor.
Extend your arms in front of you, palms down on the floor.
Deep inhale and exhale here.

Muscles used:

Lats, low back, and hips

Happy Baby

With this yoga position, you can stretch your lower back and hips more directly.

Muscles used:

hips, inner thighs, and low back

To accomplish this:
Lie down on your mat on your back.
Bring your knees to your stomach, clutching the outsides of your feet. Flex your ankles and heels.
Breathe here, focusing on maintaining your ankles precisely above your knees and putting your feet against your hands.


Begin by warming up your body for movement with Cat-Cow, which extends your spine, activates your core, and opens your chest.

Muscles used:

anterior abdominals erector spinae serratus

To accomplish this:
To execute this yoga pose, get down on all fours on your mat, hands under shoulders, knees under hips.
Exhale and push your spine up toward the ceiling while engaging your abs.
Allow your head to drop to your chest. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
Inhale and let your spine to drop back down, allowing your stomach to fall toward the earth as your head rises and falls. Hold this position for 10 seconds.


Cobra Pose not only stretches your shoulders, chest, and stomach, but it also strengthens your arms and buttocks.

Muscles used:

lats, triceps, abdominals, glutes, and hamstrings

To accomplish this:
Lie on your stomach on your mat, shoulders-width apart, and the tops of your feet on the mat.
Tuck your elbows under your body and place your hands beneath your shoulders.
Inhale and push through the tops of your feet, straightening your arms.
Push your shoulders back and lift your chest off the floor.
When your pelvis loses contact with the ground, stop straightening your arms and breathe in and out for up to 30 seconds.


Chair Pose in yoga helps to strengthen your legs, back, and shoulders. This technique will also put your equilibrium to the test.

Muscles used:

abdominals, erector spinae, quadriceps, and hamstrings
gluteus medius, delts, and triceps

To accomplish this:
Inhale while standing with your feet together and stretching your arms squarely overhead.
Exhale and start to sit back into your hips, bending your knees. When your thighs are parallel to the ground, come to a halt.
Roll your shoulders back and down, pressing your tailbone into the ground. Take a deep breath here.

Intermediate routine

For a little extra difficulty, try the six steps in this intermediate routine. You’ll get a lovely stretch while also strengthening your entire body from head to toe.

Warm up for 2 to 3 minutes using several moves from the beginner routine if you have time.

Hold each pose below for 1 minute, and make your way through the circuit twice.

Downward Dog

Downward Dog, a yoga “classic,” stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, and feet while strengthening the arms and legs.

Muscles used:

quadriceps, abdominals, and deltoids

To accomplish this:
To begin, get on all fours on your mat, hands beneath your shoulders and knees beneath your hips. Inhale.
Exhale and press your heels down toward the floor, lifting your knees away from the floor. Raise your tailbone to the ceiling. Avoid locking your knees.
Keep your head between your arms and draw your shoulder blades toward your tailbone.
Stay here and work on getting your feet to touch the ground.

Warrior I

Warrior I pose can strengthen your legs while also opening your hips and chest.

Muscles used:

abdominals, hamstrings, and quadriceps

Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides.
Step into a lunge with your left foot, maintaining your right leg straight and twisting your right foot at a 45-degree angle.
Raise your hands above your head.
Lift your head and squeeze your shoulder blades together and down, then look up at your fingertips.


With a Bridge, you may strengthen your posterior chain, or the backside of your body.

Muscles used:

hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps

To accomplish this:
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
Place your arms at your sides, palms facing the ground.
Inhale. Exhale and lift your hips into the sky, pushing up through your feet.


Garland Pose stretches your hips, thighs, and ankles.

Muscles used:

abdominal deltoids

To accomplish this:

squat with your feet as close together as possible, toes pointed out.
Allow your torso to collapse between your thighs, elbows against your knees.
Keep your tailbone pressed into the ground and your chest lifted, aided by the resistance of your knees.


In this pose, you will stretch your entire front side while strengthening your back.

Muscles used:

lats, triceps, glutes, and hamstrings

To accomplish this:
Lie on your stomach with your arms by your sides and palms up.
Bend your knees and reach back, your hands gripping your ankles.
Maintain a straight line between your knees and hips.
Lift your heels away from your butt while lifting your thighs off the ground as you inhale.
Look forward while pressing your shoulder blades back.


Boat Pose will (eventually) make your abs happy.

Muscles used:

abs and hip flexors

To do this:
Sit on your buttocks with your legs out in front of you.
Lean back slightly and support yourself with your hands on the ground.
Inhale and pull your knees to your chest, coming to a halt when your thighs form a 45-degree angle to the ground.
If possible, extend your legs; otherwise, keep them here.
Stretch your arms out in front of you, parallel to the floor.HOLD

Advanced routine

This advanced yoga sequence comprises of seven moves that will test you in every way.

Warm up with the beginner or intermediate routine before moving on to this one.

Hold each stance for one minute before repeating the cycle twice.

King Pigeon

King Pigeon, a Pigeon Pose advancement, will open your hips and stretch your abdominals.

Muscles used:
triceps, biceps, and lats
To accomplish so:
consider Pigeon. Pose with your right leg extended behind you and your left knee bent in front of you.
Bend your right knee and bring your foot up and behind you.
Arch your back and lower your head.
Raise your hands over your head and grasp your foot with both hands.


Dove Pose stretches your back and abdominal while also strengthening your shoulders and legs.

Muscles used:
quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes

To accomplish this:
Kneel on the floor, arms down by your sides.
Lean back onto your hands with your fingers facing forward and your arms straight.
Lower yourself onto your forearms.
Push your thighs up and out, arching your back, lowering your head, and bringing your hands as near to your feet as possible.


Peacock Pose will help you improve your arm strength and balance.

Muscles used:

forearms, abdominals, lats, low back, glutes, and hamstrings

To accomplish this:
Sit on your heels and kneel on the floor with your knees wide.
Lean forward and rest your palms on the floor, fingers pointing back toward your body.
Bend your elbows and bring your legs around to the outside of your arms.
Lower your head and lean your torso onto your upper arms.
Straighten your knees and extend your legs behind you, beginning with your toes on the floor.
Shift your weight forward and lift your legs off the ground when you feel stable here.

Lord of the Dance

Lord of the Dance can help you improve your balance and flexibility while also stretching the entire front half of your body.

Muscles used:

quadriceps, hamstrings, abdominals, and lats

To accomplish this:
Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides.
Bend your left knee and bring your foot up to your buttocks.
With your left hand, grab the outside of your foot and press your tailbone down and your pelvis up toward your belly button.
Allow your knee to slightly stretch as it goes up toward the ceiling.
Extend your right arm parallel to the floor in front of you.


With a Headstand, you can strengthen your upper body and core, as well as improve your balance and circulation.

Muscles used:
triceps, lats, abdominals, quads, and hamstrings
To accomplish this:
Place your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips on all fours.
Bring your forearms to the floor, clasp your hands, and place the top of your head directly in front of your hands.
Straighten your legs and move into a Downward Dog stance. Aim to get your hips as near to shoulder level as possible.
Inhale and raise one leg toward the ceiling, then the other.

Headstand Lotus

The Lotus version, a progression on a standard Headstand, will test your balance even more.

Muscles used:

triceps, lats, abdominals, quads, and hamstrings

To accomplish this:
Position yourself in a headstand.
Bend your right leg and place it on your left thigh to interlock your legs.
Then, bend your left leg and place it on your right thigh.


With Firefly Pose, you can stretch your hamstrings and hips while also building up your arm muscles.

Muscles used:

deltoids, lats, triceps, chest, and abdominals

To accomplish this:
Squat down and place your torso between your legs.
Place your hands inside your legs on the floor.
Bring your upper arms as close as possible to your upper thigh.
Lift yourself off the floor and place your weight in your hands.
Allow your legs to straighten in front of you by shifting your center of gravity back.

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned yogi, developing an optimal morning yoga regimen can be a revitalizing and extremely helpful practice.


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